JavaScript Tools

Below are some basic tools I put together after not being able to find what I wanted online. I'm hoping to keep on adding more to this list so let me know if you have any suggestions or want to add your own. The code's up on GitHub.

Convert CSV to Bootstrap Table

Enter text into the textarea and then choose the settings to generate the HTML for a Bootstrap table

Bulk geocoding

Enter addresses into the textarea below, one per line


Create a BCG Matrix

This helps create a "growth-share" matrix popularzized by BCG. Enter coordinates from -10 to +10 and a label for the plotted value.

SQL Data Generation

Use this to create a series of SQL insert statements to populate a table.


SQL Schema Comparison

Paste the result of a schema information query in each tab and get the result. The text areas expect three tab delimited columns: schema name, table name, and column name. The result will do a JSON diff using the awesome jsondiffpatch library.

Note: In both MySQL and PostgreSQL you can get the schema information using "select table_schema, table_name, column_name from information_schema.columns" and applying the relevant filters.

SQL Query Formatter

Paste a Java formatted query and hit "Clean" to get it cleaned up.

Date Generation

Use this to create a series of dates based on a step size, a start, an end, and a desired format.

Note that the date formats are based on the extremely helpful jquery-dateFormat library. As an example, try "yyyy-MM-dd".

Kafka Partition Diff

Paste the result of a Kafka partition dump in each tab and get the result.The result will do a JSON diff using the awesome jsondiffpatch library.